Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Tigers & Tacos & Unicorns—Oh My

So...down here in SA, our school district does this early-release thing on a handful of days throughout the year.

It’s pretty self-explanatory. The kiddos are released a few hours early, so we end up with half a day on our hands, ha. And often, it’s for conference or ongoing teacher education purposes.

On this particular day, the kindergarteners held student-led conferences for any parents who wanted to sign up. And basically, there were five or six “stations” set up throughout the classroom to allow Chicklet to show off all that she’s learning.

And lemme tell ya—she was pumped to have brother, sissy and I there for her particular brand of teaching, hehe.

It was stinking adorable, and I really am so proud of her expanding knowledge base. She’s at that beautiful and creative stage now where she’s starting to phonetically spell things out, and I just love witnessing the inner workings of her little mind. :) Brilliant. The story above is her phonetically written book about a lost worm finding its way back home. “The wrm is lst.” I die. 

So...after the conference, and a Starbucks stop for some hot chocolate on this frigid and gusty day, we still had a decent bit of time on our hands.

So after I allowed them some iPad time, we rallied for a fun project to get them unplugged again. And the winner for the day was assembling each of their chosen Valentine boxes for this year. :)

We went to Tarjay yesterday to gather up all our Valentine supplies, and I think their individual selections for their boxes say so much about their personalities, ha. 

First up...Chicklet:

I mean—look how cute!

Hers was actually the only one of the three that required an actual box to decorate. The other two were totally self-contained, so I actually get to return the other two boxes. Woohoo.

Next up...Chica’s:

And lastly...Little Man’s, hehe:

Grateful to have assembled these in such a happy, low-key, ahead-of-schedule way, because I very clearly remember the unexpected chaos of last year’s Valentine’s hoopla. I mean, it was an event. And that was with just two kiddos in any sort of school. So now with three, we’re going to start assembling those valentine cards and treats soon, ha.

But not so soon that we can’t indulge in a bit more of this epic couch laziness tomorrow afternoon when we have another early release day. ;)

Wish us luck and happy temperaments as we fill the extra hours tomorrow. Until then...

Happy Hump Day!

Over and out. 

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