Saturday, April 18, 2020

Distancing Day 34: Late Nights & Lazy Mornings

So...I had a little crank in my pants today.

(Which sounds like a super awkward way to say I was a bit cranky pants.)

Honestly, I think the weekends are a little tougher for me, mentally, than the weekdays during all this craziness.

Perhaps, because the weekends are historically a time for a bit of a Mama break with a few meals out or some retail therapy, or some excursions that require less demanding parenting for the kiddos. Or some incremental hubby help. But right now, all the days just blend together, amiright??? And my poor hubby has been working most weekends (from home, of course), in some capacity, which isn’t super for for anybody, either.


I’ve been trying to do a decent job of reminding myself of one, major positive whenever I get to the annoyed/cranky/exhausted place, and today’s Count Your Blessings moment comes in the form of...


Now. It’s been well documented on this here blog that I make poor bedtime decisions. I’ll be the first to admit it (raising my hand, here).

I love to read (understatement of the century) and my reading time at night is part of my overall mental health. I just do a really poor job of closing my e-reader at an appropriate time of the wee hours due to that mental health time (and I only sometimes regret it, ha).

And it’s also well documented that on regular school days, my alarm goes off at 6 a.m., which doesn’t pair too well with my poor bedtime decisions. :(

Honestly, for the greater part of the school year, I wake up feeling like I’ve been hit by a truck. is with complete and utter gratitude that I say our mornings for the past 5-6 weeks have been heavenly.

I mean, yeah, sure, we always want more sleep, and we’re going to bed even later because we’re unwise, and counting on not having that early alarm.

But I’ll take every extra minute I can get!

And the kiddos aren’t usually pestering us until about 7:30 a.m., which is golden.

And even more golden is the fact that when they wake, they all crowd in our bed (with a lot of fighting and shoving because five of us have to squeeze in tight), and watch a few cartoons while Mama and Daddy doze a bit more, and I don’t think there will ever be a prolonged length of time like this ever, ever again, where that’s possible.

So it feels well and truly monumental.

Even when I have kiddos and loads of stuffed animals and LEGOs and puzzle pieces piled on top of me like I’m a work of art—before I’m even awake enough to raise my eye mask. ;)

So, yay, to more relaxed mornings, for at least four or five more months (until the start of a new school year). I’m going to try to appreciate every, dang moment of it.

And also appreciate the reading that I can manage without that incessant hit-by-a-truck feeling.

For the past two weeks, I’ve been living in the world of this masterful tale:

I will read any, single thing this author writes, and the book above is the first of a new series she just started. 

If you want a chuckle and a rambling love fest of one of my very favorite books of all time (that she also wrote), check it out, here:

And talk about alarmingly poor bedtime decisions for that one!

I stayed up until 3:30 a.m. over Memorial Day Weekend 2016 for that gem, and at the time, Little Man wasn’t even a year old, ha. Sometimes I’m amazed I’m not a zombie.

And now, to balance out the seriousness of that book, I’m diving into this new one that sounds funny and light:

I’ll report back with details, along with some of my other favorite reads of late.

And, now...a pic of my banana-chocolate chip bread from today:

Is it wrong that I baked this in the morning, and tonight, I dove back in with fudgy brownies that are still cooling???

Don’t answer that.

Just healthy and sane, peeps.

And if you have a bad day, think of just one thing that you’re grateful for amidst all this abnormality.

Even if it’s just toilet paper.

Over and out. 

P.S. We had a family viewing night tonight that was a raucous good time. We watched Onward, and I’d received mixed reviews beforehand, but the kiddos were wildly into it. For the last half an hour, they were shouting and screaming at the television in spectacular fashion. So cute. And just being realsies—perhaps related to those poor bedtime decisions in this post—Daddy and I each got about a half hour nap somewhere in the middle, ha.

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