Friday, June 19, 2020

Coastal Distancing—Port Aransas, June 2020

Oh my goodness, peeps. We managed an adventure today, and it was a major success!

Basically, we’ve been wanting to make a day trip to the beach pretty much since we moved here. And what better time to make it happen than during a summer when official, airline travel to lovely destinations is so emotionally complicated and worrisome for families with young kiddos (ahem, germ magnets) like ours.

Now. Though we’d been planning on this for a week or two (and it was even on lmy official, Summer Intentions 2020 list), the irony was not lost on me that the CDC issued new beach safety guidelines within a day of our scheduled adventure.


Definitely made me think twice about whether or not this was a wise move. Especially with so many states—ours included—seeing a significant rise in positive Covid cases over the past couple of weeks. an attempt to approach our adventure with an abundance of caution, the hubby was able to power through a bunch of work by Thursday so that we could make it a Friday day trip, to try, try, try and avoid even a slight bit of the anticipated crowds.

And I think it was the right move.

Though I woke up with a raging migraine (haven’t had one of those in awhile; thanks universe), any slight rain in the forecast passed in the early morning, at the start of our drive, and we had gorgeous blue skies and puffy clouds for the majority of our day.

Andy naturally, I stocked up on a bunch of fun snacks for the kiddos—and we filled up our cooler with ice and packed sandwiches and other odds and ends for a beach picnic lunch, to cut down on even more unnecessary exposure. 

To say the kiddos were pumped about this little excursion would be a massive understatement.

They luuuurv any beach time (I mean, what kiddo doesn’t??) and have been fortunate enough to enjoy a handful of trips in their little lifetimes that have involved sand and sun.

But, truly, it was just really fun to hype them up in advance and really tout this as a “vacation” day for us—since there’s nothing else on the horizon.

We arrived in a little under three hours—that felt super quick, once my migraine ebbed enough to not feel like I needed to pull over and empty my guts—and went straight to this little shop in town where you can buy a beach parking permit.

Port Aransas truly is such a unique beach experience (at least different from any that we have previously come across), in that you can literally drive right up on the beach and park. It’s crazy!

Now, that said...with the convenience of parking right where you’re beaching, it does somewhat lessen the beautiful ambience, right? Because you look behind you and see car after car, and RVs and golf carts, and it’s not quite the wide open serene view.


Who’s turning around to look behind you when there’s an ocean in the front?? Amiright??

Although the cars seemed to indicate otherwise, we were able to stake our claim in the sand at a very safe distance from any other people. And had absolutely no close run ins—with the exception of two well-intentioned strangers. The first was trying to help us keep our umbrella from flying away. And the second, was a woman in the ocean who’d caught a handful of crabs and was kindly trying to show them to the kiddos. Hard to be rude in either of those scenarios.

But for 99% of the time, we had plenty of socially distanced space and just played and frolicked and body surfed and built sandcastles, and picnicked and just enjoyed the warm water and blue skies, and the joy of getting away for a day. :)

In total, it was roughly three hours to get there, three hours to play, and three hours home.

A long but happy, happy, joy, joy day. :)

Such a wonderful family day (for the cost of our $12 parking permit and the gas), a great way to have an adventure but maintain social distance, and...a major victory to hear so many proclamations of, “this is the best day, EVER!”

Over and out.

P.S. Really excited to bathe these babies and toss them in bed for a solid snooze. ;)

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