Friday, June 5, 2020

Life In June 2020

It’s a wild understatement to say that this week has been unsettling, worldwide.

Honestly, I’ve typed and re-typed the lead-in to this post so many times, because I’m not quite sure of the tone I want to set it, or the way I want to express myself. But the gist of it is this:

Everything feels so uncertain and volatile right now, and most of the time, I don’t know what to do with that. 

We’re barely re-emerging from a global, pandemic tragedy that is still raging in some parts of the world, and now our country is grappling with a moral tragedy that has heightened (rightly so) emotions and actions,’s a lot to feel, both as an individual, and a collective nation.

I’ve certainly done my fair share of self-education this week, as I struggle with how to process everything I’m reading and experiencing. And, truthfully, I think I’ll be wading through it all and internalizing for quite some time.

Truth be told—I think my children have even been more attuned to my challenges in processing life right now, as we’ve had our most tumultuous week, mood-wise, as a family.

And, yet.

When I feel mentally weighed down by all that is happening in the world, I find myself turning time and time again to the one thing that always helps my personal mindset when I feel overwhelmed.

I go back to the basics and focus on gratitude.

I think through all of the beautiful moments and blessings in my life, I pray to God for the same small joys or moments of positivity for anyone in need of a light in any kind of darkness, and I try my very best to put that positivity into action through words or deeds, big or small, when possible.

This past Spring has been unforgettable, truly.

I feel like these collective experiences of both the pandemic and the racial injustice that is moving people into action in unprecedented numbers are forging this nation in ways we may not understand for years to come. And I only hope what comes from all this pain and uncertainty is growth, in all its many forms.

I hope any of the tiny handful of people who read this here blog will forgive me if, moving forward, I continue to post small happenings that might seem trivial in the grand scheme of life right now.

Please know that I truly don’t mean to appear tone deaf to the real problems in the world, but rather, I just hope to stay true to what these daily posts have been to me: a diary, most often, of the tiny moments of parenting challenges, experiences and gratitude that fill up my life. And normalize my days when the world is a lot to deal with.

Love one another.

Be kind to one another.

Be patient with one another.

Be generous with one another.

And stay safe and sane as we launch into a Summer that might just be as challenging as our collective Spring.

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