Friday, July 17, 2020

A Little School Decision Breathing Room

Well, m’peeps.

Yesterday, we received word from our school district that learning will be 100% at home from a minimum of the first three weeks of the school year.

And my predominant feeling when reading that news was...relief.

I’ve been very open on this here blog about my personal indecision regarding the upcoming school year, and the option of sending my kiddos to school, or continuing with distance learning. From the moment we were notified (about three or four weeks ago) that we would have a choice in the matter, it’s been weighing so heavily on me.

And I think the reasons are obvious.

The entire country is at odds over this monumental issue of school safety, and how to effectively re-open school districts nationwide. And I completely understand and emphasize with the many reasons why either option can be argued for or against.

But the fact of the matter is that it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. There are a million contributing factors to the safe re-opening of schools, and those factors can vary wildly by state and region—and a million other variables—given current positive case numbers.

It’s seems nearly an insurmountable task, and I don’t envy the lawmakers or the school administrative staff and teachers who bear the weight of this on their shoulders.

And for any households facing even greater challenges because of working parents with great pressures and little flexibility, or single-parent households, or any number of permutations that make it even more difficult to fathom these school complications...I pray hard.

There is no clear-cut path forward, but I’m personally so grateful for the additional time our own school district is giving this matter, so that we can know that the proper time and consideration is being given to this challenge. And for a little more time for our won household to gauge our own comfort level with our options.

On a personal note: though we have no information yet regarding the structure of the distance learning this go-round (apparently, we’ll have heavier assignment loads and stricter “attendance” parameters), I’m still painfully aware of how much it requires of the parents. But my kiddos seem pretty content to continue pajama life at home for the time being. So I’m doubly grateful that mine are still young enough to forge ahead mostly unscathed.

Praying everyone is staying healthy and staying sane, and that someday, this is a period of time that we have overcome. 

Over and out. 

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