Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Halloween Sugar Cookie Fun!

Holy moly, MOLY, peeps.

What a nutty few days it’s been.

Even nuttier, when you consider the escalation from a relatively low-key Monday—that gifted us a shortened school day due to teacher enrichment—to the mass chaos of this Hump Day. 

All I have to say is: the weekend can’t come soon enough!

Luckily, we’re on the downhill slide, now.

And luckier still, we managed to take advantage of the calm and containment of our Monday before the insanity descended. And taking advantage included some really fun, quality time making the sugar cookies that are a major tradition from my childhood.

We only attempt said cookies two or three times a year. Christmas, Easter, and one bonus Halloween or Valentine’s thrown in the mix. So it’s always a tasty, riotous, messy time, and I’m grateful we were able to work them in.

More tomorrow on the insanity of the past couple of days. I have tales to tell of the school, kitchen, and trip-down-memory-lane variety.

In the meantime, enjoy these gratuitous baking pics of my beautiful babies. :)

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