Monday, January 25, 2021

Warm & Fuzzy Puzzling

Well, peeps.

If it all goes downhill from here, let the record show we kicked off the week with a loverly Monday.

The sun was shining, the weather was beautiful, Little Man and I had a happy day together, and the girlies were smiling at pickup.

Since it was so gorgeous out, I intended to drag them up to the playground for some running around and fresh air. Until Little Man changed into his pajamas, very clearly giving me the message he was ready to chill, ha.

So I planned the next best thing—which was some quality time indoors together, in the dining room, because it gets wonderful late afternoon sunshine.

We stopped at CVS on the way home from school and I let the kiddos scour for a bag of candy (and a bonus lollipop) each, which is a fun little thing I love to do about once a month. And then we unloaded our haul, divvied it up, and busted out a fun set of twelve “freak shake” puzzles.

We listened to music and chatted happily, and enjoyed a full hour before I had to rally them for their homework—which they each completed agreeably. :)

Grateful for some quality time with my babies to launch a new week. So if it all goes tops-turvy beginning tomorrow, at least we had a golden Monday. ;)

Happy Monday, peeps.

Over and out. 

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