Monday, July 19, 2021

The Steady Slide Toward School

Well, peeps.

It officially happened.

The school year creep set in!

The pencils and supplies are out in their special section at Tar-jay.

Our Amazon boxes arrived yesterday, adorned with Back-to-School tape.

The girlies registration for Fall dance classes was finalized yesterday. 

Aaaaaand…this morning, Chica had the first of three rehearsal this week alone for a special convocation ceremony choir she was in invited to participate in for the opening-of-the-year, district ceremonies.

The responsibilities are settling in, for sure.

Our carefree and lazy time is starting to narrow.

And you know what?

It’s maybe 20% unsettling—in that way that I kind of loathe any kind of transition—but also, 80% A-okay.

Because our familia has been having such a lovely Summer and really enjoying it for ALL that it provides, and my babies are also really excited to be back at school (and have asked for the start date!), as they really do like it.

So I’m rolling with that a-season-for-everything vibe and really appreciating the time we have left, while also looking forward to the new beginnings that are right on the horizon.

And, most importantly), (*knock on wood*) a school year that we will get to kick off in-person, which will be just fantastic :)

Now. A final bit of fun this post: something major we have to show for this Summer!

My little fishes have become such strong swimmers in the past two months, particularly Little Man, and I’m sooooo grateful for the greater peace-of-mind this brings.

This little dude with his happy, smooshy face is pretty much entirely without his floatie these days!

Obviously, I still keep an eagle eye on all of my babies in the water, always. But my dude is now getting here, there and everywhere, just like his sissies.

And when I force him to work on his “official” swimming, his arm and kick action is really fantastic!

And speaking of fantastic form…Chica had become so adept at the side tilt/breathing action when she does her “official” swimming, and let’s be real, that’s always the hardest part!

And though I never captured a great pic, Chicklet absolutely loves a good backstroke. She’s rocking it in a big way. :)

So, basically, I’m just so proud of my water babies—especially considering I never ever expected us to be a swimming kind of family.

It continues to be such wonderful exercise and a way for us to be outdoors when the heat would be unbearable otherwise. And I’m so happy for the skills and confidence my babies have acquired. 

Yay, Summer!

Let’s rock this final three weeks and 6 days!

Over and out. 

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