Thursday, August 5, 2021

Another Harry Milestone!

Oh. My. Freaking. Goodness. Peeps.

It was a BIG day.

Though, truth be told, the feeling of accomplishment has been simmering for the past week or so as we’ve closed in on the finish line. Today just made it official.

We finished the 4th book!!!

And holy mother of all the colorful emotions in the rainbow!


Any Harry lovers out there know exactly how tumultuous and astounding and revelatory this book is—particularly in its final few chapters.

I mean…major stuff begins a-churning.

I’ve long said that the first three books are so magical and appropriate for any young readers, but the fourth gets quite heavy, and this is very true.

I wouldn’t feel comfortable just handing it off to Chica—regardless of her maturity and enthusiasm—and just letting her go nuts. The only way I’m at peace with our continuation is because I’m right there with her, for every twist and turn (and there are so many!).

She continues to be such an avid lover of these stories, and it’s such a parenting JOY to tackle them together. Listening to her theories, commiserating with her impatience and curiosity, and experiencing her shrieks of astonishment and/or outrage are all just priceless Mama moments.

Despite the time and general commitment it requires to co-read these incredible books, I’m so, dang GRATEFUL for the experience. And I’m so excited to keep on keepin’ on.

In fact, we’ve read so steadily over the past two years (since we launched the series) that we’ve outpaced the amazeballs, giant, illustrated versions that have been published about every other year, of late.

So now, since the 5th book likely won’t be published in illustrated form for at least another year, we’re going old school with one of Mama and Daddy’s original copies. :)

Seems appropriate for such a grown-up book to be read in official, grown-up format. :)

Now. For funsies, I looked back at previous posts to see when we completed the last book, and it’s so sweet to see the progression:

Can’t wait to keep going with this epic story—and to allow Chica to watch the corresponding movie (our tradition after she finishes each book).

In completely related news…Chicklet and I are still going strong with her reading of the first book. She’s entering some pretty classic chapters herself, and still so keen on the stories that I can just close my eyes and imagine her progression another two years from now. 

And since Little Man is never one to be left out—he continues to learn odds and ends by proxy when his sissies accidentally let things slip. ;) And the three of them routinely engage in imaginative play that involves props galore that make my heart RIDICULOUSLY happy.

In closing: major reading goal accomplished!

Long love READING (and Harry)!

Over and out. 

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