Monday, August 23, 2021

Green-Eyed Beggin’ Babies


This is the face of one green-eyed babe, begging to swim after school:

And this is the face of another green-eyed babe, begging to swim after school:

Do you think I gave in??? Ha.

Apparently, I can’t resist those smushy faces (and rare, perfectly-lit shots of their green eyes that most people think are blue).

But I did manage to negotiate for happy homework completion before the splashing. ‘Cause I’m “tough” like that. ;)

Hard to believe we’re in the waning days of swim time. Only a few, short weeks before our household will be closing up shop for the season.

But when one door closes, another always opens.

Autumn: be still, my heart. I can feel you on the horizon.

Happy Monday, peeps.

Over and out. 

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