Friday, October 8, 2021

Boulder 2021–Day 1!

Helloooooo, from Colorado!

The place where we successfully managed a really spontaneous, memorable family adventure back in 2019 during Fall Break (see link below), so we decided to go for it again, but in a different location. :)

As a refresher: our Colorado Springs trip two years ago was just so wonderful. Filled with lots o’ outdoor time, beautiful scenery, gluten-free food for the hubby (they’re just better at that up here), and…snow! We truly experienced alllll the seasons in a short, three-day time frame during that visit. And the kiddos were in heaven.


For this go-round, we found super-inexpensive flights through Denver, so that was our starting point. And we settled on officially staying in Boulder (though we have an excursion day planned in Estes Park).

Since we arrived here around lunch, and had plans to see the hubby’s cousin and her family here in the city for dinner, we decided to take the afternoon to enjoy The Denver Zoo, since our crew is always up for some animal shenanigans. 

Gonna keep the words short now, and pictures plentiful.

So…ENJOY! And more pics to come over the next few days. :)

You know, we’ve been fortunate enough to rack up some really amazing zoo experiences over the years as a family. But I love how each visit in each city occupies a special place in my brain.

Today’s visit will forever exist in autumnal colors in my mind. The gorgeous yellows and pops of orange—hello amazing carved pumpkins!—will stand out in my brain as strongly as any of the animals we witnessed. And I love that.

And I can I just say that it was absolutely glorious to walk around in such a perfect climate. The hubby and I joked it was a non-temperature. Like, so perfect it was neither cold nor hot. You just existed in perfect symbiosis with the air, ha.

Grateful for such a lovely day.

Bonus shots of my babies during our outdoor, gluten-free, vegan lunch. :)

And bonus-bonus shots of even more glorious outdoor time and the hubby’s cousin’s house, before the sun went down. The kiddos truly soaked up some fresh air and beautiful activity today. With much more to come!

Happy Fall Break Friday, peeps!!

Over and out. 

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