Tuesday, December 7, 2021

The Elves Have Arrived!

(Double post alert—woohoo!).


They’re everywhere, I tell ya! Everywhere!!!

The. Elves. Are. HERE.



It began just after Thanksgiving, when they started popping up at school.

Little Man has Gumdrop in his classroom.

Chica has Elliot in hers.

Chicklet has Gingersnap and Jingle.

There’s even an elf hanging from the basketball net in the school gym—and one named Tutu hanging from a wreath at the girlies’ dance studio.

They’re everywheeeeeeere.

So, naturally, my crazies were getting a little, well, CRAZY trying to figure out when our beloved elf, Leaf, would arrived in our casa.

We even wrote our letters to Santa yesterday in the hopes that might kickstart things:

The candy cane pen added a little extra something, don’t you think?

But this morning, when the kiddos woke, there was still no elf.

Deep sigh.

But, WAIT.

Lo and behold…our mischievous little elf surprised us with a DAYTIME arrival for the first time, EVER, showing up right as the kiddos came home from school. :)

I mean, talk about joy of all joys: our elf showing up on Ugly Sweater Day of all days! Perfect timing! Hehe.

It was the best surprise in the WORLD when the kiddos just happened upon Leaf a few minutes after we made it home. I was in the master bathroom when the shrieking began. They were just screaming and jumping. It was hysterical.

And, naturally, they ate all the M&Ms that were spelling out the “I’m back!” message, hehe.

They even played some music for Leaf…

And on more than one occasion, throughout the rest of the afternoon, I caught Chicklet sweetly hanging out near Leaf, talking to him. I die.

Can you see her over there, in the left side of this picture below? She was just chatting away…

It seriously was such a happy, holiday-vibe kind of afternoon. Leaf arrived, it was Ugly Sweater Day, we did a fun project that I’ll post about later, we even busted out the kinetic sand for some fun…and to cap it all off: we attended Chica’s final holiday choir performance at school!

These are the beautiful moments, peeps. All the joyful tidbits that build the best season of the year. And I LOVE IT.

I also have a feeling we’ll be enjoying more of Leaf’s typical, mischievous shenanigans for the next couple of weeks.

I mean, I already caught him like this before I shut things down for the night… ;)

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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