Thursday, February 3, 2022

Ice Day Valentine Cards!

Well, peeps.

We did, in fact, get the ice.

And it make a really coolio effect on all our windows.

And railings. 

And trees.

And shrubs.

But not such a coolio effect on the roads.

At least we didn’t have a single flake of snow to pile over or under the ice, so within about 24 or 36 hours, when it warms up, it should be gone, lickety split.

In the meantime, we took great advantage of our Ice Day and did all the lovely and lazy things we had planned.

After a later start and snuggle fest, the hubby holed up to work in the study, and I tackled some Valentine fun with the crazies. I literally dumped a giant pile of candy on the table and they assembled their little treat bags for classmates—and barely stole any of the candy. ;)

I love my nuggets when they look all cozy and warm in their soft pajamas and bath robes. It’s the best kind of In Day look. :)

We took a brief intermission for some delish zucchini bread (chock full of disguised veggies)…

And quiche (yum)…

And then returned to our task—from the playroom, this time—to assemble the actual Valentine cards to go with the treat bags.

This year, and every year, I adore all the cards and little toys we give away. But I especially adore Chicklet’s love bug jars this go-round. So stinking cute. And so her

She spent a ridiculously adorable amount of time selecting the specific bug for each classmate—and (very, very) gladly hoarded the spares for herself. :)

Next up: Chica and her Harry love—now three years running for her Valentine cards theme, I believe. And each year has been unique and oh so fun. I really, really love the paper airplane (on broomstick) look of this batch. A lot. And with the popper key chains she’s giving away, plus the candy…perfection.

Last up was Little Man…who had the easiest batch to assemble as there was no folding whatsoever. He just had to write his name on each:

Which is a good thing, since he was a total video game addict today (but a really, really cute one):

His PEZ dispensers will be a major hit, and you can’t beat Mario!

In total, it took about two hours to finish all these up, so it was the perfect day to take advantage of some unexpected free time.

And with another Ice Day for tomorrow, I foresee more project time in our future.

Stay warm, peeps!

Over and out. 

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