Saturday, February 26, 2022

Noses In Books

Well, peeps.

I can rest easy at night, knowing I’ve accomplished one major parenting goal:

I’ve raised my kiddos to be book readers and story lovers. Amen, Halleluiah.

A few days ago, we enjoyed a delightful trip to Barnes & Noble, where they each snagged something fun…

And they proceeded to spend the next 48 hours with their noses in said books after school. :)

I mean, the utter silence (beyond the screaming joy in my heart) as they all lounged in the living room with their selections was PRICELESS.

A love for reading is one of the fundamental parts of my life and one of my greatest sources of entertainment and joy. And I’m SO grateful my kiddos have absorbed this love.

I hope it lasts for a lifetime.

Happy Saturday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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