Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Sick/Not Sick Day

Well, peeps.

I had a buddy home from school today, and even though I think his “sick tummy” was over and done with by about 8 a.m., it was hard to be mad at having his adorable face around me all day long.

He went to bed last night just a little off, had a terrible night of sleep and was sawing logs this morning when his 6:20 wake-up time clocked.

So it was an easy decision to just keep him home and give him a little extra R&R—and TLC. ;)

Plus, it gave me prime snuggle time and the chance for some sleeping pics that I love to creep and catch—but so rarely get to anymore.

Sometimes it’s really tough for me to stop and think about this time last year, when he was still my preschool buddy several days a week. He’s grown SO stinking much since then, that it’s hard to put him back in that box. But it sure does make any extra time for sick/not sick days (and TV watching and LEGO building) that much more precious.

And I’m a huge advocate for the occasional mental health day anyway. :)

Love my boy—and all of my babies, who so thoroughly enjoyed their Valentine’s Day yesterday.

Our Mondays are so nuts with extra-curriculars and homework that I only managed one measly pic—of the younger two all red-cheeked right after their sports class. So I guess it’s a good thing I catalogued lots of our fun Valentine prep activities in the past couple of weeks instead!

It’s insane-in-the-membrane that we’ll be staring down March before we know it, but I’m grateful for that springtime energy that’s looming, and the next holiday we can celebrate—Easter!

Until then…just hoping to make it through the rest of the week unscathed, ha.

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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