Friday, March 4, 2022

Our Staycation Decision

Well, peeps.

Spring Break is upon us!! As in, we already have the kiddos in the back seat, busted out early from school, and we’re on our way to an adventure!

It’s ON.

That said. We had quite a hysterical lead-in to this particular Spring Break.

We had attempt upon attempt of fun little trips all planned and ready to execute—only to have something foil the process and bring us back to square one, in terms of planning something.

So, finally, after weeks of trying to get our act together—and failing—we took the sign that we’re just meant to stay put this year, and decided to change our approach.

Once we committed to an official Staycation, we made plans to reallocate those travel funds to local diversions we typically wouldn’t tackle.

It’s been both fun and humbling to see just how much some of these activities are gonna cost us—right in our very own backyard, ha. But we’re so grateful for any funds to devote to any fun, and we’re just going to live it up as much as possible.

In addition to these fun activities, we have some dear friends from Dallas arriving later in the week, which will be wonderful. And grandparents are coming tomorrow for a few days, as well. So there definitely won’t be any lack of entertainment!

A very small part of me worries I’ll end this week far more run down than I am at present, wishing we would have just left town for a couple of days, but…I suppose that’s just privileged whining, yes??

So here’s to a Staycation that really seems like it was meant to be this year. And LOTS of activity and smiles.

Here’s a hint about our first adventure that’s happening in less than half an hour. And I’m pretty sure it’s going to be a memorable one!

More sooooon, peeps!

Over and out.

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