Monday, June 27, 2022

Chica’s 10th Birthday!

Oh. My. Goodness.

I have a child who is DOUBLE DIGITS in age!!!


In some ways, I’ve felt every day of the past ten years, and in other ways, I’ve blinked and a decade has zoomed past.

It’s incredible.

And so is this growing human o’ mine, who I love like MAD:

My kind, thoughtful, helpful, bright, sweet, playful, empathetic TWEEN firstborn lived her best birthday life yesterday (we always celebrate with our household decorations on the closest weekend day). And her chosen theme for this year was (drum roll, puh-lease)…


In case this is new to you, just know that it’s relatively new to us, as well.

It’s a series of graphic novels that was recently turned into a really fun animated movie about five animal “bad guys” who pull off elaborate heists and robberies…until the day they try to go good instead.

It’s really adorable, and even though Chica was set on another Harry birthday up until a week before the big celebration, I was kind of pumped when she threw this wrench in the plans and requested a theme change, because I love a fun, original concept. And this one allowed us to play up the caper/robbery vibe in a really fun way. :)

I was actually thrilled to find a handful of Bad Guys stuffed animals and decorations, as I was worried I’d have to make it all up from scratch. And, yay, for the foundation of the decor involving all 14 books—woohoo!

These yahoos were FRESH off their Dallas shenanigans (like, we literally made it back to town hours before the hubby and and I had to hunker down and set up all this fun on Saturday night, ha):

But every time I’m exhausted and building a balloon arch or tower late into the evening, prior to a birthday, I remind myself how it pays off to see the joy on my kiddos’ faces. :) Like mini Christmas mornings, tehe.

Because I’m a sucker…the non-birthday siblings always get a tiny gift, and this fairy finder for Chicklet was a major hit:

Another major hit…a homemade costume for Chica to match one of the characters in the movie. Had to get a bit creative with this one, but she had a lot of fun with it. :)

And, of course, we watched the movie—again—as a family. Per the birthday girl’s mandate. ;)

And we set up our own elaborate obstacle courses for thievery, using this really awesomesauce series of laser alarm lights I bought. SO fun to use.

My girl really seemed to have a wonderful day, soaking in her birthday fun and all the love and attention.

And then today—her official birthday—kicked off the kiddos’ week of Zoo Camp (more on that mañana)—along with an indoor/outdoor/swimming play date with our neighbor friends.

I seriously can’t believe my baby, my beautiful growing girl, is TEN YEARS OLD and wise.

She’s an incredible, wonderful soul and I’m BEYOND GRATEFUL to raise her. I love her to bits and pieces and bits.

Here’s to more fun this week, and continuing our summer of not letting any grass grow underfoot, ha.


Over and out.

P.S. Let’s all sob over this pic of the day Chica turned THREE. Man, how time flies!!!

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