Sunday, July 2, 2023

Summer Roller Coast Pinnacle

Okay, peeps.

It’s happened.

We’ve reached the pinnacle of Summer—both with the official equinox about 10 days ago, plus, the culmination of our busiest household activities/commitments—and now we’re on the downhill side of the rollercoaster.

Unbelievable, yes??

It’s WILD to look at our family’s June calendar and see just how much we packed in: alllll the fun and play time milestones and camps and activities—and a trip! Oh my.

In fact, when I compare all of it against the Summer Intentions post I drafted at the end of May, it’s insane to realize that so much of our Summer activity was packed into June.

And you know what? Despite the busyness, I don’t think I’d have it any other way.

And, now—at least for our personal household—things are certain shifting along a different trajectory, and I can already feel the downward momentum.

Day by day, the sun is setting just one minute earlier. We can now say school begins again next month. Tar-jay has cleared the outdoor section at the back of the store to make way for back-to-school supplies, and…look what I found when I went in to Bath & Body Works a couple days ago:

That’s right: FALL candle scents!

“Pumpkin Clove” and “Sweater Weather” and sooooo many more that made my heart BURST with joy over the thought that the next season to come is my favorite season of the year. 

When I shared with family and friends some pics of these candles, I received an interesting assortment of reactions, and so many of them were a bit negative. 

Peeps telling me it was too soon, and—worst of all—some accusing me of wishing time away and just pining for Fall so I could send my kiddos back to school.

And while some of these reactions were meant to be funny and teasing, a few unintentionally hurt my feelings and made me do a little bit of soul searching to ask myself if I was, indeed, wishing the summer away.

And I confirmed within myself what I already knew: that’s not at all the case!

Just because I keep a calendar to mark off our daily summer activities and anxiously await the day Fall will come back around does not mean I don’t love and appreciate Summer for what it is.

And further, just because I acknowledge how difficult and intensive Summers can be with younger kiddos does not mean I don’t enjoy this time to its fullest and look forward to this unique season each year.

In fact, I don’t think anyone who truly knows me as a mother can think I’m ever not fully invested in whatever phase or season of our lives we’re in. I always find a reason to celebrate, craft, decorate for and enjoy each month and each season that comes our way.

But I’m always excited about what’s to come, too. 

Living in the moment and feeling excitement over the future are not mutually exclusive things.

In fact, anyone who lives in South Texas and survives triple digit temps (complete with frying eggs on the pavement) is lying if they say they don’t wish for cooler weather and the kiss of Fall at some point, ha.

Little Man’s face here is pretty much my whole heat/temperature vibe at the moment:

All that said…I’m so grateful for the shift that will take place over the next week or two.

The hubby is off work for the 4th holiday, we’re on a bit of a social embargo (after a ton of fun and commitments with friends), and we’re about to head to Colorado for a family vacay that will bring a blissful relief of this heinous Summer heat.

We’re going to enjoy some family time and movies (like the one we went to yesterday!)…

And some couch snuggles and laundry and packing and regrouping…

And I’m going to do my best to regain my health after a really YUCKY respiratory virus has taken me down and out in a swift manner over the past 36 hours.

Summer is amazing.

And intense.

And HOT.

And chock full of family time and memories.

And there’s so much more to come before the backpacks and lunchboxes return.

BUT…I’m also a bit relieved to feel that downward Summer momentum, and that’s A-okay, peeps.

Happy Holiday Weekend!

Over and out. 

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