Monday, March 25, 2024

Springtime Light Vibes

Okay, peeps.

There are a few weeks out of the entire year that are always my light-based favorites.

A couple are in the Fall (of course), but a couple are right now. As in, last week and this week.

This exact, fleeting and glorious time when the leaves have just bloomed on the trees and so vibrant they’re lime, with those underlying pollen yellow tones that make it all feel so Springtime specific. Full of magic and renewal. 

Perhaps, because of our marigold living room curtains and our beloved tree over the pool, I love the vibe and view so much that it sparks and enormous amount of joy 

I think it’s amplified even more this year, with the contrast of the beautiful, green turf.

Another joy-sparker: these beauuuuutiful delphiniums we came across this weekend and planted for the porch. They make my Amazon and other proof of delivery pictures so glorious, ha.

And, lastly…the evening time light paired with some wildflowers. Perfection.

It’s going to be fairly busy again this week, but I’m finding a tad more time to stop and smell these flowers and appreciate these seasonal changes.

I’m grateful for it all.

Happy Monday, peeps. :)

Over and out. 

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