Tuesday, October 27, 2015

My Little Laundry Lady

Betcha thought I was going to talk about some diminutive saint of a woman who comes and magically takes care of all my dirty clothes, huh?


One can only dream. 

(Though this saint of a woman would have to live with us full time since the first load of the day goes in before 8 am, and the last load is usually being folded after 10 pm, and I'm not so gung-ho about housing another person. So...maybe this isn't really an ideal dream. Must find another.)

Anywho...back to the post. That does have a point, I swear.

And that point is that my beloved Chicklet is a laundry lover.

Meaning, she luuuuvs to dive-bomb piles of clothes wherever they may have landed for the folding.

I swear the cute little booger has a laundry radar.

I can be anywhere in the house and she'll locate me and said pile, and go nuts. She literally just charges the pile and throws herself in. Then rolls around for good measure before running off with a handful of items.

It makes the chore a bit more, shall we say, "fun." But she's so darn cute about it that I just work around her :)

Now if only she'd learn to fold and distribute to the appropriate rooms of the house, I'd be golden.


Happy Tuesday (that feels like a Thursday; is it really just Tuesday??), peeps!

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