Monday, February 8, 2016

New Baking Subscription

Double post Monday, peeps! Woohoo! ('Cause if I don't post this tonight, it will get lost in the CHAOS that is my life and my iPhone camera roll, and I'll never share.)

So one of my New Year's goals for the kiddos was to try and incorporate more baking/cooking projects into our routine. 

But it's tough because, a) it's messy, and, b) if things are too involved--or if there aren't enough components of the recipe to "sample"--it's easy to lose tiny tots' interest.

So I jumped on board with this new subscription service I found, that's much like our beloved, monthly Kiwi Crate.


It comes in a box identical to our Kiwi Crate, and though some of the past (and this current month's) projects aren't overly original (in fact, I probably have most of the items required on hand), I greatly appreciated everything being condensed and at-the-ready, with only butter and an egg to add in.

No hauling out a dozen items (while my kids wander off, perhaps with half of those items), as the dry goods were already mixed and in one package. And all the ingredients are clean and as healthy as possible. Oh, and it came with cute little baggies and tags to package the finished cookie product in--perfect for gifting :)

So here we are getting started...

And here are my little helpers in action...

And here's the start of the fun sprinkle bit...

And Chicklet launching her I'm-just-going-to-snatch-and-gobble plan...

While Chica takes her decorating duties quite seriously...

But Chicklet blatantly does not...

Going so far as to steal sprinkles from completed cookies, thereby mangling the heart shapes...

But they turn out cute anyway :)

Looking forward to seeing how this subscription service evolves over the course of our three-month trial, as it's still fairly new. But today was fun, and the girlies were nice and attentive. So, win/win.

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