Monday, February 15, 2016

Valentine's Day 2016

Well, peeps. We had a pretty fan-freaking-tastic Valentine's weekend!

First, because the hubby took time off work, so we had a loooong weekend together (woohoo!). And second, because the girls were so pumped about the heart holiday that their enthusiasm was contagious.

We started celebrating on Saturday. Or rather, the hubby kicked things off by sneaking off during nap time to set up some surprises for his snoozing ladies (myself included) and gent.

He is a wise, wise man to now know that if he brings home jewelry for Mama, he better bring home some for the other women of the house, as well. And GINORMOUS balloons never get old :)

The girls got these precious, silver owl rings.

But Daddy didn't stop there. He also stowed away a couple little surprises in their Valentine boxes.

It was beyond beautiful to see their collective joy. Daddy doting on daughters is pretty magical.

And as if that wasn't enough of a special gift, we'd planned for some time to treat the girls each to a new princess dress. 

But I've been working really hard over the last few months (really, beginning with the lead-in to the Christmas holiday) to impress upon the kids how fortunate they are for these blessings in their life. So Chica's been going around telling everyone--including her dance instructor last week--"if I'm really lucky and blessed, I'm going to get the Rapunzel dress for Valentine's Day." Ha.

I hope and pray daily that my children grow in humility and awareness of the blessings they receive. In the meantime, it's hard not to bust out the biggest Mama smile seeing these faces.

It was really lovely having the holiday on a Sunday this year so we could break up the festivities with a church service to help center our minds around other things.

And though I don't have a picture for this bit...I had the sweetest conversation with an older woman who was acting as an usher at the back of the church. Little Man was in his car seat, but awake and just chilling as I held his hand while reading the bulletin. Then I looked at him and he broke out in the biggest ear-splitting grin, as he usually does when I play with him.

We did this repeatedly--me looking over; him smiling. And this woman apparently caught the whole thing and came up behind us to watch more closely, and then said she was crying because the love he had for his Mama was "spilling out his eyeballs."

Now, if you'll excuse me while I go bawl my bloody eyes out!!!

So long and short--if being hyped up on love is what Valentine's Day is all about, our family totally did it up right this year!

And then ate lunch at Bueno.

'Cause we're classy like that.

Hope you all had a LOVEly one!

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