Monday, April 10, 2017

Bunnies! (Pictures & Cupcakes)

Helloooooo, m'peeps, and please forgive my sporadic posting of late!

While I've been recovering from the latest round of sick ick, I've been trying to make a real-deal effort of letting some things fall by the wayside in the evenings (cleaning, be damned) for the sake of a tiny bit more couch sitting.


I'm here. I'm alive. I'm still coughing but feeling better. And we had some grrrrreat family time this weekend.

The highlight of it all was watching my trio participate in the waving of the palms during this Sunday's worship service. :)

I have such strong and meaningful memories of attending all the services of Holy Week leading up to Easter, and this Sunday, I felt I was just a smidgen closer to being able to focus on those services with my kiddos as they age, instead of just chasing them outside in the narthex.

Baby steps, I tell ya. Baby steps.

And while it's soooooo easy to lose sight of the real meaning of this season amidst all the other activities, we mostly try our best, yes? And we still try to enjoy all the beauty that comes with those other diversions.

Like...Easter pics with live bunnies. :)

The bunny's name was Elle, if you're curious, and the kiddos enjoyed the petting (of the bunny, ha, in case that was unclear) just as much as they did last year. (And, of course, they also enjoyed not being dragged to see a giant-size, horrifying, mute Easter Bunny.)

And, another fun diversion for our rainy afternoon today: bunny cupcakes!
My helpers were oh-so-vital during the taste-test process. ;)

I mean, could they be any cuter? (Or messier?)

I picked up this kit ages ago and nearly forgot about it. I'm so glad it didn't get lost in the pantry chaos, as it was so ding-dang-dong adorable!

All in all, it was a happy Monday of a slightly-shorter week.

Over and out, m'peeps!


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