Friday, April 7, 2017

Tired As A Mother

A friend of mine at Chica's dance class was wearing a shirt this week that said, "tired as a mother," and it made me laugh. Because, holy freaking goodness is that true for me, of late.

I am one tired mother.

Tired and weary.

Oh so weary.

Because I've been sick--again--and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to play the emotional positivity game when I'm just so down and out physically every other week (or so it seems lately).


It's something that will pass.

I have my general health and well being--and sooooooo much more--to be grateful for. I have a wonderful hubby to help when I reach my low points of sick ick yuck. And, my kiddos need very little to keep them beautifully happy.

For instance...yesterday, to reward them for their patience of an abnormal day, I busted out these bubble guns I'd purchased and stowed away for just such a day. And they were in heaven.

And today, I took them to Chick-fil-A for an outdoor lunch, and then granted them some time in the indoor play area. And they were in heaven.

Today, my doctor said that when her kids were the age of mine, their household was sick six separate times in a three-month span.

know this is pretty normal. But, man, am I not a fan!

Sleep, please bless me tonight!

Cough, take a long hike.

Over and out, peeps.

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