Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Faux Quilting Project

So...the hardest thing about my Mama brain these days is that I constantly feel like I'm not devoting enough attention to one of my trio. 

And that one changes every day based on the needs of the kiddos, the attitudes of the kiddos, and, let's face it, the luck--good or bad--of the day.

So when I'm not totally fried--which, let's face it, sometimes I am--I try my best to do a little something special for one, or even two of my beloved boogers. The younger ones usually get secret fun or special Mama time even Chica is at school.

But today...Chica got the luck of a special project during nap time while the others were sleeping, and I gotta say, it was quite a joy and quite a cool project.

Here it is...something new I just happened to run across in Tar-jay today:

In honor of Nanna, the quilter, of course. ;)

Chica's face lit up like a megawatt bulb when I told her we were doing a special project, just the two of us. It was declared the "best day ever" and her girlish giggles and complete enthusiasm for the task made it totally worth the potential downtime that was passing me by.

The project consisted of this foam piece with pre-cut sections...

And a bunch of pre-cut cloth pieces--along with two poking rolls (that's my technical term, not the kit's, ha.)

It was easy but with a slight challenge to keep Chica entertained.

And we buzzed along pretty quickly, finishing the whole thing in 30-40 minutes--even with a Chica selfie break, ha.

Look how cool!

After the others were awake, we brought it up to Chica's room...

And found a home for it on her bulletin board. 

So grateful for an easy, special project on a day that was otherwise a bit challenging (discipline "fun" with the younger ones).

I noticed a second pattern of this same type of quiltin project in the store, and I'm guessing at some point down the line, we'll do that one, too.

Over and out, peeps.

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