Monday, March 5, 2018

Little Man Hearts Trash Trucks


My Little Man luuurvs trash trucks like I love the Academy Awards.

(See how I worked a timely reference in there?)

With great enthusiasm.

And almost obsessive interest.

And ocassionally, with singular focus.


I mean, he’s a boy, and boys often love trucks.

And we just happen to have a great view out our playroom windows every Thursday when the sanitation crew arrives for pick-up, so we’ve stoked the fire of trash truck interest without trying too hard.

And we might, ocassionally, perhaps, maybe, stalk a trash truck throughout the neighborhood and roll down Little Man’s window so he can wave to them.

And we also might have, perhaps, upon the kind suggestion of the hubby, left a Christmas present for our sanitation crew this year.

The love, it is deep.

But this weekend, the hubby took it to a whole new level when he pulled up trash truck videos on YouTube. And all three kiddos fell into a trance in the living room.

I kid you not, it’s a whole production company that just takes videos of trash trucks going about their bizness.

And my boy was done for. Just hooked.

I’m trying to figure out how I feel about this new development since I’m sort of unofficially anti-YouTube when it comes to my kiddos and their electronics time.

For no other reason than they love the learning and creative play apps I have on my phone, and if they’re gonna zone out and watch something, I’d rather it be a movie with a plot and perhaps some singing and a life lesson or two thrown in there.

But the Pandora’s box of trash truck videos has been opened. And I don’t suspect it will close anytime soon, ha.

In the meantime, Little Man can continue to enjoy his set of truck magents that he’s arranged on the easel I busted out of the attic for just this very purpose.

He studies the magnet box obsessively to make sure he’s got ‘em all up there.

Alas, the steamroller has been missing for a couple of weeks.

But, hey—I’m wildly impressed we’ve held onto all the others, considering his penchant for carrying them around.

Love my boy and his love of trucks. (Ironically, the actual toy trucks he owns don’t get as much love as his truck books and magnets do these days, ha. But I’m totally coolio with that.)

And I suppose I’ll be coolio with an endless loop of trash truck videos if it makes the whole gang happy.


Happy Monday!

P.S. I actually managed to watch the entire Academy Awards last night and I was giddy over the opportunity. It’s been a view years since I’ve managed that feat, and it made this Mama pretty darn happy. It’s the small victories, peeps!

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