Friday, April 13, 2018

Chica Got Her Ears Pierced!

Oh my goodness.

I can’t believe it.

My baby girl got her ears pierced today!

Say, what??!

I mean, when I woke this morning, it was so not on the agenda for this Friyay. Which sort of makes it that much more awesomesauce. :)


The brief history of time (also known as the lead-up to ear piercing, for the sake of this post):

For a couple of years now, since she’s been old enough to discuss the topic with any amount of understanding, Chica’s been against it.


No thanks.


Which has always tickled me, since she’s such an accessories girl.

Now, I blame Daddy for this reserve toward ear-piercing because he was sort of against it in youngins and talked openly, in front of Chica, about the pain, in what I believed to be a secret—or maybe not so?—attempt to disuade her, ha.


A few of weeks ago, the mother of one of Chica’s dear friends who moved away, sent me a video of her daughter getting her ears pierced.

And Chica watched the video on repeat.

And then, suddenly, she warmed to the whole idea, ha.

And I almost took her that very afternoon to Claire’s, but...Daddy was hesitant.

Dang, Daddy!

Again, with the pain.

Which made Chica hesitant again. And I for sure knew that if she had an doubts, it was not the time.

So I let it be.

Until this afternoon, when it was hot, and muggy, and sort of stormy-ish outside, and Friday, and we were struggling to come up with an activity as we linked over the weekday finish line. So I casually suggested going to Claire’s to check out the earring selection for that day when Chica was ready. And she was all over it.

Naturally, after she saw the earring options (and luuuurved the light purple that happened to be associated with her birthday month), she said she wanted to do it right now.

And I didn’t overthink things.

So...this happened:

Now, full disclosure: she totally cried.

There was only one employee (standard for weekdays), so there was no chance of doing both ears simultaneously.

But, Chica handled it well. Staying frozen, despite her tears, when we told her not to flinch for the second ear. She just squeezed my hand and the stuffed animal (“Flurry”) she brought to school today for show and tell. And the technician was a veteran and handled the whole thing so fast.

And then I snuggled my baby girl until she calmed a bit (just like after getting shots at the doctor). And by the time we paid—with a couple more dang stuffed animal souvenirs to thank the younger two, who managed not to destroy everything in the store during our brief visit—and walked nearby to the cookie store, all was well.

And a couple minutes later, she was officially grinning ear to ear. :)

Wohoo!! We did it!!

I mean, nothing could top the look on her face when we finally made it home and she checked things out in the mirror:

I mean...I DIE.

It’s just perfection to see her giddy smile like that. ;)

And I’ve told everyone that the earrings look so dang natural on her (because, again, I’m so accustomed to her state of jewelry), that I almost don’t even register the change!

It’s fantastic.

And, I’m sure it will be this little nugget’s turn in no time.

Though, for the record, she wants nothing to do with it at the moment.

She was so incredibly sweet today (“Sissy, you can do it; you’re so brave!”), but when Chica told her afterward that it could be her turn, Chicklet cried and said, “noooo, I don’t want them to poke me!” Ha.

So just the one adventure for now.

More in the future.


Happy Weekend, peeps!

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