Can someone puh-lease explain to me how to not let it turn into an abyss from which all family-related things land and remain and turn into never-ending things I trip over???
I mean, shoes and backpacks and purses and coats and random non-refrigerated grocery items and to-be-returned items, and dirty clothes and more dirty clothes and hanging clean clothes and mulch and dirt and everything in the whole freaking house that I don’t want in there.
There’s just no cure.
For laundry rooms or cars.
So I’ll move on, and just give you my adorable girlies who threw on wigs tonight to go nuts (can I just say how much I love being able to type that phrase for realsies).
Over and out.
So I’ll move on, and just give you my adorable girlies who threw on wigs tonight to go nuts (can I just say how much I love being able to type that phrase for realsies).
Over and out.
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