Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Catching Some Zzzzzzzs


Sunday night was a major milestone ‘round these parts, because:
  1. Mama and Daddy finally moved from a blow-up mattress in the playroom (two weeks was a loooong time on that thing), to our new mattress in our actual master bedroom. Victory!
  2. The three kiddos split up from their mattresses-on-floor, all-in-a-row situation and into their own rooms. Another victory!
  3. And, most importantly...Little Man had his first night in his Big Boy Bed! Woohoo!
Now, I’m aware that I’ve always transitioned my kiddos from cribs to beds slightly later than some, so that tends to make it less dramatic. But, still...major milestone!

And I suppose it goes to show that, despite the chaos of the past two weeks, the kiddos have befriended the new house and become comfortable here.

We just had to get enough boxes out of the way to freaking assemble the bed in Little Man’s room, because it sort of became a catch-all for dirty clothes and miscellaneous boxes, and on and on and on. It took a while afternoon to clear it. Oye.

Oh, and, hey—take a peek at Little Man’s superhero pictures on his wall! I don’t think I’ve posted them yet, but he’s madly in love with them, and names them and counts them all the time. I mean, his face and reaction when he saw them up there...priceless. :)

Also priceless...tiny assistance for bed assembly, ha.

I haven’t found the right comforter or duvet, yet. This one just ain’t doin’ it for me, and there’s still some room decor to be completed (and curtains to be hung, and plantations shutters to arrive). But, still...it’s getting there!

And now, instead of creepy, Mama-stalker, sleeping pictures, I get to take Big Boy Bed ones, ‘cause he’s just so stinking cute! 

I mean, just look at him snuggling Captain America. I die.

And I’m sooooo proud of him for sleeping so well, and playing quietly in bed when he wakes, until I go get him.

Two days in isn’t an official trend, but it’s a fan-freaking-tastic start!

If only we could get more (like, much much more) of this sleep thing, all would be so much more amazing, ha.

Nighty, night, peeps.

Over and out.

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