Thursday, April 18, 2019

Egg Hunt—2019!

So...we’ve landed in Tulsa for family fun this weekend, and I know there will be lots to share. But I’d hate for this lovely family tidbit to slip through the cracks of posting, so...heeeere’s our small little egg hunt we did yesterday at the new casa.

I’d been building it up for days, getting the kiddos good and pumped. Then they begged for the hilarious PJ Masks Easter baskets, and my weak heart surrendered.

I harassed the hubby with hourly texts the entire day like, “LEAVE AT 5,” and “BE HOME, OR ELSE,” ha, and the messages clearly made it through his work chaos, because he departed promptly at 4:57 p.m., which is beyond a mini miracle these days.

So grateful to be able to fit some of these lovely traditions in amongst our crazy and abnormal Spring, because the memories are priceless.

And so is Little Man’s attire of choice. ;)

P.S. With a bit more time and planning and egg-hiding capabilities, we totally could have arranged an epic hunt by utilizing the other level of the backyard. Or even the nature preserve! Something fun to noodle on for next year....

P.P.S. We had a massive storm last night, around midnight, and, man, was it a doozie. So crazy and loud that we all five slept in the master bedroom! Will have to handle a separate post at some point about our house orientation and it’s crazy vulnerabilities to storms!

Happy Holiday Weekend Kick-Off, peeps!

Over and out.

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