Thursday, October 3, 2019

Holy LEGO, Batman (er, Spider-Man)

So...I’m only slightly regretting the 604-piece Spider-Man and Venom LEGO set I gifted Little Man for his birthday.

I swear...only slightly.

I mean, yeah, sure, it’s taken us four sittings over five days to complete the main components, but...yeah.

Little regret.

And, yeah, sure, it’s completely accurate to say that if his sissies weren’t in school, I would feel crazy-mad guilt over the focused and devoted time it’s taken to assemble these things, but...still.

Little guilt and regret.


In all’s been such a spark of joy to see him so stinking pumped over this set that the regret has been at the far back of my mind. And my buddy and I just so happened to have the best quality time yesterday morning, completing Venom.

It took nearly three full hours, camped out at the kitchen table. And my boy was with me the whole time. Offering helpful commentary and searching for parts when I showed him the pictures of what I needed—all while the Descendants movies played on a loop in the background.

It was a really fun, connective morning, actually. 

So I’ll thank the LEGO set—even as I silently curse it. And I’ll try not to pretend that I’m terrified I’ve opened a LEGO door that I can’t close, now. Ha. (Sort of like Chica and Harry Potter, but more on that another day.)

Love my boy.

LOVE that tomorrow is Friday.

Over and out.

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