Monday, March 8, 2021

Finding Little, Big (And Fig!) Joy

Okay, peeps.

It’s officially Monday of Spring Break week (how is this possible??)!

We’re currently driving toward a little family adventure for a few days (seriously, it’s so hard to believe it’s March and already Spring Break).

Better yet—I think I officially spent enough time marinating in and noodling over all of my emotions last week to safely say that I might have hit rock bottom and begun the climb back up.

At least, here’s hoping.

In addition to feeling some of the weight lift after I identified all of my emotions and the source of all my angst, I had a wonderful and annoying experience yesterday as we streamed our Sunday church service.

Hilariously, it was the kind of wonderful and annoying experience I’ve had at least half a dozen times since moving to SA and joining our congregation. Basically, the sermon had my name written all over it, and was so tailor-fit for my current mindset that I finally just said: okay, God, I get it.

It was a sermon about finding joy amidst struggles, and...hello. Bring. It. On. 

Since I seem to have invested a lot of time over the last few years finding joy amidst less-than-ideal circumstances, I feel like I’m a bit of a pro at getting myself into this mindset, ha. But a sermon screaming my name and reaffirming a lot of best practices I’ve utilized during previous trials was definitely a big boost to my mood. And I was so grateful for it.

Another major boost to my mood: fig time!!!

I was never ever a person who nurtured indoor plants prior to our SA move, but these days, it’s totally my jam. And I’ve even brought the hubby around to the joy of living greenery as part of our decor.

My very favorite of all my indoor plants are my figs (yup, I have several at this point), and I’m such a proud plant Mama that I document their new growth each time they bloom new leaves, ha.

Our local grocery store has a fleeting week or 10-day period in early March when they carry figs at such a great price, and they fly off the shelves like you wouldn’t believe. It’s my favorite plant time of year: FIG TIME!

Here I am last year, on March 14th, snagging my annual fig and feeling pretty happy about it—especially as we were about to go into quarantine lockdown.

And here are my babies yesterday, playing amongst the  figs as I inspected each and every one to find the winner for this year.

By the time we chose our new plant buddy, grabbed some fertilizer to boost my existing indoor plants, and headed home, I was feeling joyful over just the simple pleasure of another beautiful, growing thing to add to my home (how happy it will be to see it set in place in my restored living room sometime in a couple of months)—and joyful over the blue-skied day.

It’s going to be quite some time before my house feels like mine again, but we’ll get there...eventually.

Looking forward to a couple of days with a safe change of scenery. I’m particular happy to see my babies so PUMPED about it.

So...much more, later.

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out.

P.S. Another beautiful source of joy over the past few days: the sight of my Chica carrying on my bookworm tendencies. Seriously warms my heart.

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