Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Artistic Pay Off

Okay, peeps.

This so rarely happens as a parent, when you can clearly connect the dots between time spent and results shown…but today, I had the great joy of seeing the benefit of a lot o’ effort and joy put in to…doodling!

Because Little Man came home with a certificate stating a piece of his artwork has been chosen to be on display at a district-wide art event next week, and I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that his drawing and artistic prowess is a direct result of all our time spent doodling and crafting!

For two years, now, we’ve enjoyed our doodling a whole heckuva lot, and have amazing portfolios to show for it.

What began as a way to entertain the kiddos in the very early days of lockdown has turned into so many things. But first and foremost, it’s an amazing creative outlet, and a lovely bonding activity that’s easy-breezy whenever we have spare time.

And I just luuuuurv seeing the fruits of that labor expressed in the kiddos’ delightful artwork that comes home from school. :)

I’m already looking forward to more available time this summer (I hope!$ to work doodling into our schedule. But we still try during the school year when we can. Little Man even pulled one up for himself to tackle tonight while I cooked dinner, ha.

The memories I have with this little dude, tackling a doodle every day last year when he sissies were at school and he wasn’t at preschool, just…UGH. 

Precious time, I tell ya.

Even when we were in the midst of the water disaster home restoration, we doodled all the time, holed up in his bedroom with construction noses banging from downstairs. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

And I wouldn’t trade my Little Man and his Mickey pose for anything, either. ;)

So happy to see something positive coming from a fun creative endeavor, and I hope it’s an interest that hangs around for a long time to come!

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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