Sunday, March 13, 2022

San Antonio Staycation 2022–The Rest

Well, peeps.

The lunches are made. The backpacks are packed. The alarms are set. The babes are asleep (thanks to the help of some melatonin—thanks, no thanks, Daylight Savings).

Back to routine, mañana. And in a weird way, I’m kind of ready. Probably because we packed a lot in to our Spring Break staycation, so we have no regrets. Only tired bodies, ha.

Luckily, we had a decently-slow Saturday and Sunday to tackle some cleaning and laundry and mental regroup after all of our activities, and it was definitely needed.

So…heeere’s to a lovely break from routine and some amazing memories for the kiddos (I hope!). And here’s to hoping for a bit of grace as we ease our way back in to routine.

Now…some of the random, lower-key activities from our week:

Jewelry box raiding:

Doodling! (We don’t talk about Bruno-o-o-o…)

Visit with old friends from McKinney:

Spring Projects!

Wishing everyone a solid night of sleep and a happy kickstart to their Mondays!

Over and out.

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