Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Cup Filling, Book Signing

Okay, peeps.

I had the happiest, most spur-of-the-moment excursion this evening, that left me with all the warm fuzzies.

Like I’d been plugged into a charging dock for a bit, with a side dose of smiling serum.

I attended a Barnes & Noble author event and signing for a writer I’ve known and loved for several years! I literally downloaded her new book (below) last night, and just can’t believe the coincidence of this all.

It went something like this…

It was 5:30 p.m. and I was quickly wrapping up homework and feeding the kiddos before a shift of Confirmation (Chica) and swim (Chicklet & Little Man). 

The hubby was blowing in the door from work so he could help me divide and conquer, when I got a text from a friend, asking if I knew of the author Abby Jiminez.

And I was like: yaaaaaas, I know her! I love her books and just started one, TODAY.

And my friend was like: I just had to run to Barnes & Noble and it was crazy busy and there was a sign on the door about video cameras and an author event.

Turns out, Abby was at our store for an interview and signing, and I pretty much dropped everything and raced up there, while the hubby held down the fort on all kiddo activities. 

It was still half an hour from the start time when I arrived, but the place was pretty packed. Standing room only. So I resigned myself to the fact that I’d probably hear the author but not see her.

But then I noticed people packing into the aisles beside the official rows of chairs and I sort of sleuthed my way over there and found the perfect little place to cop a squat.

Lo and behold…it was my Home Planet aisle. Without intention, I’d planted myself RIGHT there in front of SO many of my most beloved books. I was in heaven.


And better yet, I was on my Home Planet, with my people.

The buzz and feminine giddiness of a hoard of book lovers—my kind of book lovers—was the best kind of happy high.

And if you can believe it, once the author entered and took her seat, I had the best little sliver of a view from where I was sitting. I didn’t even have to stand; I got to sit there and watch through other people’s legs, ha.

She was the loveliest.

It was the loveliest.

I felt the loveliest, just being there, hearing about her book, books in general, romance as a genre, writing styles…Taylor Swift.

I mean. MY PEOPLE. These are my people.

I’m so stinking glad I dropped everything and went. 

The cherry on top of the sundae was this signed copy of the author’s newest book that I snagged! I got so lucky, even without an advanced wristband to stand in line for the signing.

You know, it’s so rare that I experience one of these moments or events that really serves to fill my cup, and this came at just the right time.

We’ve been talking with the kiddos so much about the idea of mental health, and the burden parents assume when they’re raising children, and how often parents have to pour, pour, pour into others without ever filling their own cup.

And I have to say, it was Chicklet who voiced the loveliest support and encouragement, tonight, when I received the text from my friend and began to deliberate the viability of attending.

She was vocal in her happy nudging. In fact, she flat out—happily—told me I HAD TO GO. It was the best sort of blessing, and I hope I modeled positive behavior in my decision to hop on this happy chance, and do something spontaneous for me.

More catch-up posts soon, peeps!

I’m off to READ.

Over and out. 

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