Thursday, March 24, 2022

Easter Shopping

Well, peeps.

My crazies and I have kept a tradition three years running now, where we spend a spring day—usually after school, believe it or not—going on a little shopping spree with the specific intent of buying Easter shoes and an Easter church outfit. :)

And today (a beautiful, FREE afternoon with nothing major on the agenda, was the day!

Ironically, two of the three years we’ve done this, it’s been under the guise of getting out of a house that was under major construction—both the first spring we moved here, and then last year, during the restoration, ha. It served as a really nice way for us to vacate the premises and do something FUN for a decent chunk of time—and tackle our wardrobe choices in the process.

We tend to have to hop about more to find shoes for each kiddo, but then we always seem to end up at a department store for the clothes, and I gotta say, it’s been a hot mess RIOT three years running, and something I really enjoy with my crazies—even when it exasperates me and makes me sweat and spend money, ha.

It’s always such a joy to see what my kiddos pick out. And even more of a joy to try to make it through it all unscathed, with moods intact.

Thankfully, this year was our best year yet, with everyone finding items they like that felt like their personal style. :)

Grateful for the chance for something diverting, but with a purpose. And I’m also grateful for each year my kiddos have aged so they can handle the shopping marathon with greater ease.

Especially if you’re Chicklet and take a moment for a bit of meditating in the middle of the store. ;)

Bracing myself to chaperone Little Man’s zoo field trip tomorrow. It’s always a rambunctious, EXHAUSTING time, ha.

Happy Almost Friday, peeps!

Over and out. 

P.S. Scroll down in the bottom of the following post and you’ll see pics from our first SA Easter shopping excursion in 2019, tehe:

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